النيروز AlNayrous

By Said Alsaqlawi
Translated by | Dr Naimah Alghamdi

‎نَظلُّ نَنْتظرُ

‎تأتي فَنَنْهمرُ
‎أَزهارَ أفْراحِ
You approach , we thrive
Blossoms of joy
The water and trees
The sun and moon
Praising spirits
‎الماءُ والشَّجرُ
‎والشَّمسُ والقمرُ
‎تَسبيحُ أرواحِ

‎مِنْ حولنا العُمُرُ
‎أحْلامُهُ وطَرُ
‎مَمْزوجةٌ الرّاحِ

Around us the soul of those
Whose dreams and desires
A blend of intoxication

‎يَهذي بها النَّهَرُ
‎والنَّسْمُ والزَّهَرُ
‎وكأْسُ مَزاّحِ

The river ravages with it
And the breeze and the flower
A playful vessel

The greenery Nightingale
astonished by its songs
Apple- like cheeks

‎والبلبلُ الخِضِرُ
‎يشدو فينبَهِرُ
‎خدودُ تُفاحِ

‎كتابُهُ العُصُرُ
‎في الروحَ يَزدَهِرُ
‎وفِي مَدى السَّاحِ

Advancing in daytime
In the soul it flourishes
And in the whole landscape
‎ والأَرضُ والبشرُ
‎نيروزُهم نَضِرُ
‎في قَلبِ وشَّاحِ

The Earth and the people
Their Nayrous is radiant
In a heartfelt bond.

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